OER – Online Educational Resources
As you heard at our last meeting in Coronado , the time has come to move forward with the creation of an OER (s) in Fire Tech. We will start with Fire 001 Principles of Fire and EMS (aka Fire Protection Organization). See below:
If you are interested in learning more about OERs and how you can contribute to our project, please fill out our OER Interest List Form here. I will do a targeted presentation on the next steps for all the interested parties before out next meeting in Monterrey. Everyone is welcome to attend and learn more about OER and the many benefits to the thousands of Fire Tech Students in the system.
It is my goal to have this OER completed by our next meeting in Coronado , next year. I believe that we can get this done with the amount of talent and brain power in our organization.
Thank you to Jason Hemler, Mark Swink, Pam Hutchinson and others who have volunteered to help us complete this project.
It will be useful for our Organization to become more familiar with OER (Online Educational Resources) and the many sources of funding available. OERI Online Educational Resources Initiative webpage
I am looking for some funding from Sierra College, it appears that the priority is for Degrees and Certificates programs that are converting all their publishers Textbooks into OERs by 2026-2027. Fire Tech is behind this, and we may not qualify for the main grants , however, I am seeking alternatives at this time.
Thank you all for your support over the years.
German Sierra – Sierra College Fire Technology
gsierra@sierracollege.edu or 916-660-8680
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