Director of Forestry, Fire and Public Safety
Greetings All,
Lake Tahoe Community College (LTCC) District announces an exciting professional opportunity to manage California’s growing need for firefighters, forestry professionals, and other first responders as the new Director of Forestry, Fire and Public Safety. This position will support LTCC in increasing the number of students and certificates and degrees earned served in forestry, fire and public safety training programs and ensuring graduates obtain jobs in high-demand fields in the Tahoe Basin, California and across the country.
To make this position possible, LTCC has secured grant funding to support 75% of the cost of the position through Fall 2026. Specifically, LTCC was named as a partner in the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FoundationCCC) California Resilient Careers in Forestry project, which was selected for funding through America’s Good Jobs Challenge. As one of only 32 grants awarded by the U.S. Economic Development Administration, FoundationCCC will receive $21.5 million to coordinate a four-year pilot program aimed at expanding forestry and fire training programs in Northern California and placing qualified workers into high-quality jobs. As a backbone partner, LTCC will receive $1.2 million to support staffing and equipment in the LTCC Forestry Education and Fire Science programs. In addition, LTCC received a private philanthropic donation of an additional $200,000 over four years to support this staff position.
The Director of Forestry, Fire and Public Safety position is categorically-funded pursuant to Education Code 87470 and will collaborate with the Dean of Workforce Development and Instruction to identify and secure highly-qualified Public Safety program faculty and instructional aides, and coordinate Forestry Education programming. Additionally, the Director will be responsible for the coordination of all administrative aspects of Fire Science, Fire Academy, Allied Health/Emergency Medical Services, Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Officer training, and assist with Wilderness Education/Search and Rescue programs – including securing and managing equipment and training spaces, and managing grant funds related to programs.
This position is open until filled but to be considered for the first wave, please submit your application by noon on Monday, January 9, 2023.
The Lake Tahoe Community College Human Resources department is upgrading its applicant tracking system and is currently in a transition stage. During this time some recruitments, including this one, will be tracked through a California Community College statewide application system known as CCC Registry.
Further details regarding this opportunity are provided by clicking here. To apply, please visit
Lake Tahoe Community College District is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity to ensure that all qualified applicants for employment and employees have full and equal access to employment opportunity. Qualified applicants for employment and employees will not be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the District on the basis of ethnic group identification, race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, religion, creed, military or veteran status, marital status, age, sex or gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, or on the basis of these perceived characteristics, or based on association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.
Questions may be directed to [email protected] or (530) 541-4660 x226. Please spread the word!