February 2nd Meeting Details

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Happy Monday everyone,

In an effort to make things smoother I have consolidated the information for the February 2nd meeting into this one post:

  1. If you are attending please complete the CFTDA Lake Tahoe Community College Meeting RSVP Details February 2nd 2023
  2. There will be a social gathering on February 1st at 1800 hours at McPs Tap House (4125 Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe 96150)
  3. CFTDA dinner on February 2nd at 1830 hours after our CFTDA meeting concludes (Stateline Brewery and Restaurant 4118 Lake Tahoe Blvd South Lake Tahoe, CA  96150)
  4. Agenda:
    1. February-2nd-2023-Meeting-Agenda.docx
  5. Lake Tahoe Campus Map / Meeting Location for the 2nd:
    1. campusmap.pdf
    2. Room: U112/U113
  6. If you are zooming in, the link is:
    1. https://scccd.zoom.us/j/88628562987?pwd=emZqQk5LbzlRZ3NXTzRxQ3lvZENqZz09
  7. In case you still need a room: Group code: CAFIRETECH is set and ready to use.  Book online at www.hardrockcasinolaketahoe.com by placing the group code in the Special Codes & Rates Section.  See CA FIRE TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION next to the room types you have booked.  You can also call 1-844-588-ROCK (7625) to make their reservations.  Guests will see a Resort Fee of $25 when they are booking.  This will be adjusted to your contracted rate of $18 when they check-in.

    Below is a link that you can send your guests to assist them in booking.  If they would like to request pre and postdates please have them call 844-588-7625 as they will not be able to do this online.


    Looking forward to seeing you all there.


V/P Matthew Jewett