CFTDA By-Laws – 2020 Edits


To All CFTDA Members:


At last November’s meeting, it was requested that our By-Laws be amended to reflect the following changes:

  1. Removing the provision that would allow mail-in ballots.
  2. Establishing a different dues rate for Professional members.
  3. Requiring an individual to have paid their dues in order to have access to the website.
  4. Moving the time dues are payable from a calendar year to a fiscal year
  5. Making any other changes deemed appropriate.


To that end, during that meeting a subcommittee comprised of Randy Collins and Gail Warner was appointed to draft these amendments which have  subsequently been shared with the Board of Directors. After their review, it was  recommended the changes as shown in the attachment move forward for consideration by the membership FYI: all additions are highlighted in yellow and deletions appear in red font). A summary of these changes is as follows:

  1. Removing the provision allowing for mail-in ballots (Article III D). In the spirit of item 5 above, a provision in this section was added to allow voice or roll-call voting during a meeting conducted in a ZOOM format. To promote consistency, this was also addressed in Article VIII D-1.
  2. Because the By-Laws already permit the amount of dues to be established by the Board of Directors (Article II H-4) it was not deemed necessary to address different dues rates in this document. However, a provision was added to this section to identify when dues would be considered delinquent and a member no longer “in good standing”.
  3. A provision was added to Article II H-5 to specify that only a member in good standing would be entitled to the benefits of membership (including website access).
  4. Although it was contemplated to change when dues are payable to coincide with a fiscal year, upon recommendation of our Treasurer and concurrence with the Board, it was agreed to leave the term of the dues on a calendar year (Article II H-4). To avoid any misinterpretation when dues were considered delinquent, the date of April 1 was added to this section.  


Please take a few minutes to review these changes and if you have any concerns or comments, be prepared to discuss at Friday’s meeting. Also, please note that because the By-Laws require any proposed changes to be brought before the membership 15 days before a vote, this threshold has not been met which means, we can only discuss the changes Friday and then vote upon them at our next meeting.


Any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected].


Thanks Randy