Good afternoon CFTDA,

I just wanted to send a note that I am amazed at what all of you do day-in and day-out for the Fire Service, CFTDA, your individual programs, and schools. The last two years have definitely been very interesting, but we kept up with the changes in the face of everything that life threw at us. Many of you had great advancements in the last two years with new or updated campuses, equipment, technology, and that is fantastic. I hope and pray that 2022 is better for all of us and I look forward to seeing all of you in the new year in March in Fresno. We are a sum of the parts, and you all play a huge part in the direction of the Fire Service. I am thankful for all of you and all of what you do every day.

Very Respectfully,

Peter Cacossa

Good afternoon everyone,

I had a post of interest that I would like to share with all of you that came from Chris Baker and 1LT Matthew Epstein. Please see the attached memo regarding the explanation of Team Blaze.  This is just another avenue for potential students or graduates to gain experience and make some money during fire season.

Very Respectfully,

Peter Cacossa

Hello everyone,

Wonderful news. We have posted a recruitment for a Full Time Emergency Medical Technician Instructor/Coordinator (Temporary Full Time Assignment 0.4 release for coordinator duties).

This position is now open and closes November 17th – the bulletin is attached and you can find the direct link on our Academic Opportunities website: Emergency Medical Technician Instructor/Coordinator (Temporary Full Time Assignment)

The bulletin includes the language from Title 22 of the CCR’s regarding the duties and the minimum qualifications of the Program Director and Program Clinical Coordinator.

Please feel free share this posting with anyone who may be interested, on your social media sites and any email listings that may benefit. Thank you all.

Matthew Jewett, MSOL


Oxnard College Public Safety Programs 

[email protected]


From Caryn Petty, ARTP Authorized Signer Template – Approved

Attached in the link above, is the new ARTP Authorized Signer template for use. This will serve as the means in which SFT will identify listed signers for Applicant Task Book and letter sign-offs mirroring the Fire Chief Authorized Signer process.